- city center, shoes + slurpee
- science
- crosswords + slurpee
- whyte ave, flower, necklace, dress, rachel + ethan
Friday, May 16:
- No school
- Allan's Grad Banquet
- Josh's party
Saturday, May 17:
- Allan's After Grad Party 8:00 pm - 3:00 am
Sunday, May 18:
- Allan's Grad Dance at the Delta (not to sure why this is happening, but it is)
Monday, May 19:
- May long weekend - No school.
Tuesday, May 20:
- School
Wednesday, May 21:
- School
Thursday, May 22:
- No school
- Meet at the Leg @ 2:00
- My Grad Commencements at 4:00pm
- My Banquet at 7:00
- Party(? who knows)
Friday, May 23:
- No school
Saturday, May 24:
- Pheobe's BBQ