January 11, 2009

So far, 2009 is going good.
21 days till I turn 18.. (more or less all that matters)
&&&&& here's my month.

January 2009

01: new years at beth's place.
02: lazy day
03: work 9:30-5:30, go to joeys with bran, rachel, allan, denis, and sarah
04: work 11-6
05: back to school, work 5:30-9
06: work 5:30-9
07: work 5:30-9
08: lazy day
09: dani's 20th birthday, shopping at west ed with chelsey
10: go to whyte ave and the keg with allan
11: work 11-6
12: work 5:30-9
13: work 5:30-9
14: see chelsey, work 5:30-9
16: final exam 9:00am
18: toys r us christmas party @ bp's on whyte
31: have people over at my house for cake

January 04, 2009

Shows of 2008

february 10, 08 - thrice - Edmonton Events Centre
february 15, 08 - beauty and the beast - Citadel
february 23, 08 - bust-a-lung fest - Alberta Avenue Hall
march 14, 08 - tanners show - B Scene Studio
april 12, 08 - audio/rocketry, tara forbes - Remedy Cafe
april 15 + 16, 08 - play works '08 - Eva O'Howard Theatre
may 16, 08 - J.H. Picard Grad - Chateau Lacombe
may 22, 08 - Vic (my) grad - Shaw
may 23, 08 - tanner gordon, lyra brown - L'Uni Theatre
may 29, 08 - kanye west, rihanna, n.e.r.d., lupe fiasco - Rexall
may 31, 09 - the fortunate, mmfd - Avenue Skatepark
july 5, 08 - tanner gordan, andrew perri - L'Uni Theatre
july 26, 08 - bedouin soundclash - Ed Fest
september 11, 08 - marvel college fashion show - Edmonton City Centre Airport
october 15, 08 - gogol bordello - Edmonton Events Centre
october 25, 08 - bedouin soundclash - Edmonton Events Centre
november 14, 08 - hairspray - Jubilee
november 28, 08 - village of idiots - Eva O'Howard Theatre
december 3, 08 - pirates of the north saskatechewan II - Jubliations Dinner Theatre